unpacking a decades past

There was a time in my life for about from (2007-2012) I lived in the dark(room). 

Making pictures itself has been a source of my light for as long as I can remember.  

At first, the thing about photography was not the taking of the photos, 

it was a chance for me to hide. 

When I was a teenager, and I held my camera to my eye, I wasn’t taking pictures to see the world around me, I was photographing to hide from my world. 

I became the “family photographer” to hide. 

It wasn’t until my mid-twenties that, got in touch with how I felt, the feeling, 

the joy of PHOTOGRAPHING when I  looked through the camera lens, 

I was making pictures to see and be seen. 

From my first steps into the dark, I knew I found my light.

Now wanting to print and show what I saw.

That’s when it all clicked. 

 Opening and unpacking of a portfolio of darkroom prints from a decade or more ago. 

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